Complete money management for a better financial future

See all your money in one place

Plan short & long term goals

Gain control of my finances today

2,000+ reviews rated 5/5 stars

FREE 7-DAY TRIAL   •   Cancel anytime 

Track budgeting & investments

Collaborate with a partner

Loved by

Control your money

Don’t let money control you

Personal finances are one of the major causes of stress in American households.
Financial success is now at your fingertips.

Complete money management for a better financial future

See all your money in one place

Plan short & long term goals

Gain control of my finances today

2,000+ reviews rated 5/5 stars

FREE 7-DAY TRIAL   •   Cancel anytime 

Track budgeting & investments

Collaborate with a partner

Loved by

The most comprehensive platform for success

Manage & track assets

Collaborate with others

Optimize your future

Invite a financial advisor or partner

No password sharing

No additional cost

Investments, real estate, crypto & more

Daily budgeting & spending insights

Custom dashboards for a financial picture 

Create short & long term targets

Get actionable recommendations

Monthly contributions & daily tracking


The most comprehensive platform for success

Manage & track assets

Collaborate with others

Optimize your future

Invite a financial advisor or partner

No password sharing

No additional cost

Investments, real estate, crypto & more

Daily budgeting & spending insights

Custom dashboards for a financial picture 

Create short & long term targets

Get actionable recommendations

Monthly contributions & daily tracking

I used to spend hours using a spreadsheet for bill management.

“Now I can manage all my finances in 
the amount of time it takes to read an 
email - minutes! I have a daily view of my budgets, expenses, income, investments and overall net worth. My full financial
 picture in one place.”

Arthur L.

Product Hunt review

I’ve tried literally every single financial app on the market

“As a personal finance enthusiast, 
Monarch is easily my favorite - The UI is clean and uncluttered. It’s supported on multiple platforms like Android, Web , and
 iOS. They add new, awesome features all the time. And they aren't selling your data or showing you ads.”

Anthony G.

Apple Store review

It’s very straightforward to see what is impacting my net worth.

“Monarch not only aggregates my 
account transactions but they translate 
the transaction data into meaningful insights like identification of new 
recurring expenses, missing bill 
payments, over budget spending, investment balance ups/downs, etc.”

Brandon J.

Apple Store review

The personal finance app everyone is talking about

Intentionally designed to build financial freedom.

Analyze your financial picture

Customize dashboard & categories

Plan, manage & optimize with ease 

Start my FREE TRIAL today

The personal finance app everyone is talking about

Intentionally designed to build financial freedom.

Analyze your financial picture

Customize dashboard & categories

Plan, manage & optimize with ease

Start my FREE TRIAL today

I used to spend hours using a spreadsheet for bill management.

“Now I can manage all my finances in the amount of time it takes to read an email - minutes! I have a daily view of my budgets, expenses, income, investments and overall net worth. My full financial picture in one place.”

Arthur L.

Product Hunt review

I’ve tried literally every single financial app on the market.

“As a personal finance enthusiast, Monarch is easily my favorite - The UI is clean and uncluttered. It’s supported on multiple platforms like Android, Web, and iOS. They add new, awesome features all the time. And they aren't selling your data or showing you ads.”

Anthony G.

Apple Store review

It’s very straightforward to see
what is impacting my net worth.

“Monarch not only aggregates my account transactions but they translate the transaction data into meaningful insights like identification of new recurring expenses, missing bill payments, over budget spending, investment balance ups/downs, etc.”

Brandon J.

Apple Store review

Control your money

Don’t let money control you

Personal finances are one of the major causes of stress in American households. Financial 
success is now at your fingertips.

All-In-One Platform

Put your finances 
on autopilot

Two is better than one

Collaborate with a partner or household to monitor spending & keep each other on track through a joint 
view of the shared account.

See all my expenses

All-In-One Platform

Put your finances
on autopilot

Two is better than one

Collaborate with a partner or household to monitor spending & keep each other on track through a joint view of the shared account.

See where your money is going

You might hear yourself saying things like “I didn’t know I was spending THAT much on dining out!”

Get notifications for recurring bills

A complete birds-eye view

Not another month where you’re paying
for something you don’t even use!

See what’s coming in and know what’s going
out at all times.

Try 7 days for FREE

See where your money is going

You might hear yourself saying things like “I didn’t know I was spending THAT much on dining out!”

Get notifications for recurring bills

Not another month where you’re paying
for something you don’t even use!

A complete birds-eye view

See what’s coming in and know what’s 
going out at all times.

So you can buy your 
dream... anything!

We’ll provide actionable recommendations 
to guide you on your financial journey.

Start My FREE TRIAL Today

So you can buy your
dream... anything!

We’ll provide actionable recommendations to
guide you on your financial journey.

Start My FREE TRIAL Today

It’s your turn to experience seamless money management

The best finance app for couples 
to manage with a joint view.

“Compared to Mint this app works
quicker, easier to navigate, and the best
feature (monthly budgets) is structured 
in my opinion the right way. Also, I can
finally use a budgeting app with my spouse that she isn’t confused by!”

Brian C.

Apple Store review

2,000+ 5-star reviews

This app  “just gets it.” Taking
personal finance to the next level :)

“Has more focus on cash flows and categorising transaction to better understand your monthly income vs expenses, and helps you budget against
them. Also, the monthly summary page, lets you quickly see category spend.”

Melony H.

Apple Store review

It actually got me to create
and follow a budget

“Best service to manage finances across all of your accounts. Significantly fewer syncing issues than it's competitors. It's beautifully designed and it just works, as advertised; The budgeting tools are 
super simple.”

Stephen C.

Google Play review

It’s your turn to experience seamless money eanagement

2,000+ 5-star reviews

The best finance app for couples
to manage with a joint view.

“Compared to Mint this app works
quicker, easier to navigate, and the best
feature (monthly budgets) is structured in
my opinion the right way. Also, I can
finally use a budgeting app with my
spouse that she isn’t confused by!”

Brian C.

Apple Store review

This app “just gets it.” Taking
personal finance to the next level :)

“Has more focus on cash flows and
categorising transaction to better
understand your monthly income vs
expenses, and helps you budget against
them. Also, the monthly summary page,
lets you quickly see category spend.”

Melony H.

Apple Store review

It actually got me to create
and follow a budget

“Best service to manage finances across
all of your accounts. Significantly fewer
syncing issues than it's competitors. It's
beautifully designed and it just works,
as advertised; The budgeting tools
are super simple.”

Stephen C.

Google Play review

Financial ease is 
within reach

Take control today

FREE 7-DAY TRIAL   •   Cancel anytime 

Financial ease is
within reach

FREE 7-DAY TRIAL   •   Cancel anytime

The modern way to manage your money

The modern way to manage your money